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Transformar vectores de palabras

  • Del lenguaje X to languaje Y -> X R =Y
  • Aprender R:

K-vecinos más próximos (KNN: K-nearest neighbors)

Necesitamos encontrar los vectores más similares a uno dado.


  • hash_function = toma datos de tamaños arbitrarios y los asigna a un valor fijo.
  • No hace falta compararlo con todos los ejemplos, simplemente con los valores en el mismo hash_bucket (cubo hash) al que se ha aplicado a la entrada el hash.


def basic_hash_table(value_l, n_buckets):
    def hash_function(value, n_buckets):
        return int(value) % n_buckets
    hash_table = {i:[] for i in range(n_buckets)} # Initialize all the buckets in the hash table as empty lists

    for value in value_l:
        hash_value = hash_function(value,n_buckets) # Get the hash key for the given value
        hash_table[hash_value].append(value) # Add the element to the corresponding bucket
    return hash_table
value_l = [100, 10, 14, 17, 97] # Set of values to hash
hash_table_example = basic_hash_table(value_l, n_buckets=10)
{   0: [100, 10],
    1: [],
    2: [],
    3: [],
    4: [14],
    5: [],
    6: [],
    7: [17, 97],
    8: [],
    9: []}

hashing sensible a la localización

técnica que le permite hacer hash a entradas similares en los mismos cubos con alta probabilidad.

Múltiples planos

para conseguir un único valor hash.

import numpy as np   # library for array and matrix manipulation
import pandas as pd
import pprint                     # utilities for console printing 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt   # visualization library
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # Instantiate a pretty printer
import pdb
import pickle
import string
import time
#import gensim
import nltk
import scipy
import sklearn
import re
import string
#from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
from nltk.corpus import stopwords, twitter_samples
from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
from os import getcwd
filePath = f"{getcwd()}/tmp2/"
def get_dict(file_name):
    This function returns the english to french dictionary given a file where the each column corresponds to a word.
    Check out the files this function takes in your workspace.
    my_file = pd.read_csv(file_name, delimiter=' ')
    etof = {}  # the english to french dictionary to be returned
    for i in range(len(my_file)):
        # indexing into the rows.
        en = my_file.loc[i][0]
        fr = my_file.loc[i][1]
        etof[en] = fr

    return etof
def cosine_similarity(A, B):
        A: a numpy array which corresponds to a word vector
        B: A numpy array which corresponds to a word vector
        cos: numerical number representing the cosine similarity between A and B.
    # you have to set this variable to the true label.
    cos = -10
    dot = np.dot(A, B)
    norma = np.linalg.norm(A)
    normb = np.linalg.norm(B)
    cos = dot / (norma * normb)

    return cos
def process_tweet(tweet):
        tweet: a string containing a tweet
        tweets_clean: a list of words containing the processed tweet

    stemmer = PorterStemmer()
    stopwords_english = stopwords.words('english')
    # remove stock market tickers like $GE
    tweet = re.sub(r'\$\w*', '', tweet)
    # remove old style retweet text "RT"
    tweet = re.sub(r'^RT[\s]+', '', tweet)
    # remove hyperlinks
    tweet = re.sub(r'https?:\/\/.*[\r\n]*', '', tweet)
    # remove hashtags
    # only removing the hash # sign from the word
    tweet = re.sub(r'#', '', tweet)
    # tokenize tweets
    tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(preserve_case=False, strip_handles=True,
    tweet_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(tweet)

    tweets_clean = []
    for word in tweet_tokens:
        if (word not in stopwords_english and  # remove stopwords
            word not in string.punctuation):  # remove punctuation
            # tweets_clean.append(word)
            stem_word = stemmer.stem(word)  # stemming word

    return tweets_clean
def plot_vectors(vectors, colors=['k', 'b', 'r', 'm', 'c'], axes=None, fname='image.svg', ax=None):
    scale = 1
    scale_units = 'x'
    x_dir = []
    y_dir = []
    for i, vec in enumerate(vectors):
    if ax == None:
        fig, ax2 = plt.subplots()
        ax2 = ax
    if axes == None:
        x_axis = 2 + np.max(np.abs(x_dir))
        y_axis = 2 + np.max(np.abs(y_dir))
        x_axis = axes[0]
        y_axis = axes[1]
    ax2.axis([-x_axis, x_axis, -y_axis, y_axis])
    for i, vec in enumerate(vectors):
        ax2.arrow(0, 0, vec[0][0], vec[0][1], head_width=0.05 * x_axis, head_length=0.05 * y_axis, fc=colors[i], ec=colors[i])
    if ax == None:
P = np.array([[1, 1.5]])  # Define a single plane. You may change the direction

# Get a new plane perpendicular to P. We use a rotation matrix
PT = np.dot([[0, 1], [-1, 0]], P.T).T  

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) # Create a plot with custom size

plot_vectors([P], colors=['b'], axes=[2, 2], ax=ax1) # Plot the plane P as a vector

# Plot the plane P as a 2 vectors. 
# We scale by 2 just to get the arrows outside the current box
plot_vectors([PT * 4, PT * -4], colors=['k', 'k'], axes=[4, 4], ax=ax1)

# Plot 20 random points. 
for i in range(0, 20):
        v1 = np.array(np.random.uniform(-4, 4, 2)) # Get a pair of random numbers between -4 and 4 
        side_of_plane = np.sign(np.dot(P, v1.T)) # Get the sign of the dot product with P
        # Color the points depending on the sign of the result of np.dot(P, point.T)
        if side_of_plane == 1:
            ax1.plot([v1[0]], [v1[1]], 'bo') # Plot a blue point
            ax1.plot([v1[0]], [v1[1]], 'ro') # Plot a red point

def side_of_plane_scalar(P, v):  # scalar
    dotproduct = np.dot(P, v.T) # Get the dot product P * v'
    sign_of_dot_product = np.sign(dotproduct) # The sign of the elements of the dotproduct matrix 
    sign_of_dot_product_scalar = sign_of_dot_product.item() # The value of the first item
    return sign_of_dot_product_scalar
def hash_multi_plane(P_l, v):
    hash_value = 0
    for i, P in enumerate(P_l):
        sign = side_of_plane_scalar(P,v)
        hash_i = 1 if sign >=0 else 0
        hash_value += 2**i * hash_i
    return hash_value
P1 = np.array([[1, 1]])   # First plane 2D
P2 = np.array([[-1, 1]])  # Second plane 2D
P3 = np.array([[-1, -1]]) # Third plane 2D
P_l = [P1, P2, P3]  # List of arrays. It is the multi plane

# Vector to search
v = np.array([[2,2]])
hash_multi_plane(P_l, v) # Find the number of the plane that containes this value
def side_of_plane_matrix(P, v):
    dotproduct = np.dot(P, v.T)
    sign_of_dot_product = np.sign(dotproduct) # Get a boolean value telling if the value in the cell is positive or negative
    return sign_of_dot_product

Planos aleatorios

num_dimensions = 2 # is 300 in assignment
num_planes = 3 # is 10 in assignment
random_planes_matrix = np.random.normal(
[[ 1.62434536 -0.61175641]
 [-0.52817175 -1.07296862]
 [ 0.86540763 -2.3015387 ]]
sides_l = side_of_plane_matrix(random_planes_matrix, v)
array([[ 1.],

Vecinos cercanos aproximados

Busca equilibrio entre precisión y eficiencia

Traducción automática ingenua

Los word embeddings para palabras en inglés y francés

en_embeddings_subset = pickle.load(open("./data/en_embeddings.p", "rb"))
fr_embeddings_subset = pickle.load(open("./data/fr_embeddings.p", "rb"))
en_fr_train = get_dict('./data/en-fr.train.txt')
print('The length of the English to French training dictionary is', len(en_fr_train))
en_fr_test = get_dict('./data/en-fr.test.txt')
print('The length of the English to French test dictionary is', len(en_fr_test))
The length of the English to French training dictionary is 5000
The length of the English to French test dictionary is 1500

Generar embedding y matrices de transformación

def get_matrices(en_fr, french_vecs, english_vecs):
        en_fr: English to French dictionary
        french_vecs: French words to their corresponding word embeddings.
        english_vecs: English words to their corresponding word embeddings.
        X: a matrix where the columns are the English embeddings.
        Y: a matrix where the columns correspong to the French embeddings.
        R: the projection matrix that minimizes the F norm ||X R -Y||^2.
    # X_l and Y_l are lists of the english and french word embeddings
    X_l = list()
    Y_l = list()    
    # get the english words (the keys in the dictionary) and store in a set()
    english_set = set(english_vecs.keys())  
    # get the french words (keys in the dictionary) and store in a set()
    french_set = set(french_vecs.keys())    
    # store the french words that are part of the english-french dictionary (these are the values of the dictionary)
    french_words = set(en_fr.values())
    # loop through all english, french word pairs in the english french dictionary
    for en_word, fr_word in en_fr.items():
        # check that the french word has an embedding and that the english word has an embedding
        if fr_word in french_set and en_word in english_set:
            # get the english embedding
            en_vec = english_vecs[en_word]
            # get the french embedding
            fr_vec = french_vecs[fr_word]
            # add the english embedding to the list
            # add the french embedding to the list
    # stack the vectors of X_l into a matrix X
    X = np.array(X_l)
    # stack the vectors of Y_l into a matrix Y
    Y = np.array(Y_l) 
    return X, Y
X_train, Y_train = get_matrices(
    en_fr_train, fr_embeddings_subset, en_embeddings_subset)


Traduccion como transformación lineal de embeddings (R)

Encontrar una matriz R que minimice la siguiente ecuación:

def compute_loss(X, Y, R):
        X: a matrix of dimension (m,n) where the columns are the English embeddings.
        Y: a matrix of dimension (m,n) where the columns correspong to the French embeddings.
        R: a matrix of dimension (n,n) - transformation matrix from English to French vector space embeddings.
        L: a matrix of dimension (m,n) - the value of the loss function for given X, Y and R.
    # m is the number of rows in X
    m = len(X)   
    # diff is XR - Y    
    diff = np.dot(X,R)-Y

    # diff_squared is the element-wise square of the difference    
    diff_squared = diff**2
    # sum_diff_squared is the sum of the squared elements
    sum_diff_squared = np.sum(diff_squared)

    # loss i the sum_diff_squard divided by the number of examples (m)
    loss = sum_diff_squared / m
    return loss
m = 10
n = 5
X = np.random.rand(m, n)
Y = np.random.rand(m, n) * .1
R = np.random.rand(n, n)
print(f"Expected loss for an experiment with random matrices: {compute_loss(X, Y, R):.4f}" ) 
Expected loss for an experiment with random matrices: 8.1866

Cálculo del gradiente de la función de coste con respecto a la matriz de transformación R

def compute_gradient(X, Y, R):
        X: a matrix of dimension (m,n) where the columns are the English embeddings.
        Y: a matrix of dimension (m,n) where the columns correspong to the French embeddings.
        R: a matrix of dimension (n,n) - transformation matrix from English to French vector space embeddings.
        g: a scalar value - gradient of the loss function L for given X, Y and R.
    # m is the number of rows in X
    m = len(X)

    # gradient is X^T(XR - Y) * 2/m    
    gradient = np.dot(X.T,(np.dot(X,R)-Y))*2/m

    return gradient
m = 10
n = 5
X = np.random.rand(m, n)
Y = np.random.rand(m, n) * .1
R = np.random.rand(n, n)
gradient = compute_gradient(X, Y, R)
print(f"First row of the gradient matrix: {gradient[0]}")
First row of the gradient matrix: [1.3498175  1.11264981 0.69626762 0.98468499 1.33828969]

Encontrar la R óptima con el algoritmo de descenso de gradiente

  • Calcular el gradiente g de la función de coste con respecto a la matriz R .
  • Actualice R con la fórmula: Rnew=Rold−αg , donde α es la tasa de aprendizaje, que es un escalar.
def align_embeddings(X, Y, train_steps=100, learning_rate=0.0003, verbose=True, compute_loss=compute_loss, compute_gradient=compute_gradient):
        X: a matrix of dimension (m,n) where the columns are the English embeddings.
        Y: a matrix of dimension (m,n) where the columns correspong to the French embeddings.
        train_steps: positive int - describes how many steps will gradient descent algorithm do.
        learning_rate: positive float - describes how big steps will  gradient descent algorithm do.
        R: a matrix of dimension (n,n) - the projection matrix that minimizes the F norm ||X R -Y||^2

    # the number of columns in X is the number of dimensions for a word vector (e.g. 300)
    # R is a square matrix with length equal to the number of dimensions in th  word embedding
    R = np.random.rand(X.shape[1], X.shape[1])

    for i in range(train_steps):
        if verbose and i % 25 == 0:
            print(f"loss at iteration {i} is: {compute_loss(X, Y, R):.4f}")

        # use the function that you defined to compute the gradient
        gradient = compute_gradient(X, Y, R)

        # update R by subtracting the learning rate times gradient
        R -= learning_rate * gradient

    return R
m = 10
n = 5
X = np.random.rand(m, n)
Y = np.random.rand(m, n) * .1
R = align_embeddings(X, Y)
loss at iteration 0 is: 3.7242
loss at iteration 25 is: 3.6283
loss at iteration 50 is: 3.5350
loss at iteration 75 is: 3.4442

Calcular la matriz de transformación R

R_train = align_embeddings(X_train, Y_train, train_steps=400, learning_rate=0.8)
loss at iteration 0 is: 963.0146
loss at iteration 25 is: 97.8292
loss at iteration 50 is: 26.8329
loss at iteration 75 is: 9.7893
loss at iteration 100 is: 4.3776
loss at iteration 125 is: 2.3281
loss at iteration 150 is: 1.4480
loss at iteration 175 is: 1.0338
loss at iteration 200 is: 0.8251
loss at iteration 225 is: 0.7145
loss at iteration 250 is: 0.6534
loss at iteration 275 is: 0.6185
loss at iteration 300 is: 0.5981
loss at iteration 325 is: 0.5858
loss at iteration 350 is: 0.5782
loss at iteration 375 is: 0.5735

Probando la traducción

Algoritmo k-vecinos más cercanos

  • k-NN es un método que toma un vector como entrada y encuentra los otros vectores en el conjunto de datos que están más cerca de él.
  • La 'k' es el número de "vecinos más cercanos" a encontrar (por ejemplo, k=2 encuentra los dos vecinos más cercanos).

Buscando la traducción del embedding

Dado que estamos aproximando la función de traducción de embeddings de inglés a francés mediante una matriz de transformación lineal R , la mayoría de las veces no obtendremos el embedding exacto de una palabra en francés.

Aquí es donde k-NN se vuelve realmente útil. Al usar 1-NN con eR como entrada, podemos buscar un embedding f (como una fila) en la matriz Y que sea la más cercana al vector transformado eR

def nearest_neighbor(v, candidates, k=1, cosine_similarity=cosine_similarity):
      - v, the vector you are going find the nearest neighbor for
      - candidates: a set of vectors where we will find the neighbors
      - k: top k nearest neighbors to find
      - k_idx: the indices of the top k closest vectors in sorted form
    similarity_l = []

    # for each candidate vector...
    for row in candidates:
        # get the cosine similarity
        cos_similarity = np.dot(v,row)/(np.linalg.norm(v)*np.linalg.norm(row))
        # append the similarity to the list

    # sort the similarity list and get the indices of the sorted list    
    sorted_ids = np.argsort(similarity_l)
    # Reverse the order of the sorted_ids array
    sorted_ids = sorted_ids[::-1]
    # get the indices of the k most similar candidate vectors
    k_idx = sorted_ids[:k]
    return k_idx
v = np.array([1, 0, 1])
candidates = np.array([[1, 0, 5], [-2, 5, 3], [2, 0, 1], [6, -9, 5], [9, 9, 9]])
print(candidates[nearest_neighbor(v, candidates, 3)])
[[2 0 1]
 [1 0 5]
 [9 9 9]]

Prueba la traducción y calcula su precisión

Precisión = total correctos / total

def test_vocabulary(X, Y, R, nearest_neighbor=nearest_neighbor):
        X: a matrix where the columns are the English embeddings.
        Y: a matrix where the columns correspong to the French embeddings.
        R: the transform matrix which translates word embeddings from
        English to French word vector space.
        accuracy: for the English to French capitals
    # The prediction is X times R
    pred = np.dot(X,R)    
    # initialize the number correct to zero
    num_correct = 0
    # loop through each row in pred (each transformed embedding)
    for i in range(len(pred)):
        # get the index of the nearest neighbor of pred at row 'i'; also pass in the candidates in Y
        pred_idx = nearest_neighbor(pred[i], Y, k=1, cosine_similarity=cosine_similarity)

        # if the index of the nearest neighbor equals the row of i... \
        if pred_idx == i:
            # increment the number correct by 1.
            num_correct += 1

    # accuracy is the number correct divided by the number of rows in 'pred' (also number of rows in X)
    accuracy = num_correct / len(pred)

    return accuracy
X_val, Y_val = get_matrices(en_fr_test, fr_embeddings_subset, en_embeddings_subset)
acc = test_vocabulary(X_val, Y_val, R_train)  # this might take a minute or two
print(f"accuracy on test set is {acc:.3f}")
accuracy on test set is 0.557

LSH (locality sensitive hashing) y búsqueda de documentos

all_positive_tweets = twitter_samples.strings('positive_tweets.json')
all_negative_tweets = twitter_samples.strings('negative_tweets.json')
all_tweets = all_positive_tweets + all_negative_tweets

Obtener los iembeddings de documentos

Modelos de documento de bolsa de palabras (BOW): los documentos de texto son secuencias de palabras.

  • El orden de las palabras marca la diferencia. Por ejemplo, las oraciones "La tarta de manzana es mejor que la pizza de pepperoni". y "La pizza de pepperoni es mejor que la tarta de manzana" tienen significados opuestos debido al orden de las palabras.
  • Sin embargo, para algunas aplicaciones, ignorar el orden de las palabras puede permitirnos entrenar un modelo eficiente y efectivo. Este enfoque se denomina modelo de documento de bolsa de palabras. Embeddings de documentos
  • Los embeddings de documentos se crea sumando los embeddings de todas las palabras en el documento.
  • Si no conocemos el embeddings de alguna palabra, podemos ignorar esa palabra.
def get_document_embedding(tweet, en_embeddings, process_tweet=process_tweet):
        - tweet: a string
        - en_embeddings: a dictionary of word embeddings
        - doc_embedding: sum of all word embeddings in the tweet
    doc_embedding = np.zeros(300)   
    # process the document into a list of words (process the tweet)
    processed_doc = process_tweet(tweet)
    for word in processed_doc:
        # add the word embedding to the running total for the document embedding        
        if word in en_embeddings.keys():
            doc_embedding += en_embeddings[word]

    return doc_embedding
custom_tweet = "RT @Twitter @chapagain Hello There! Have a great day. :) #good #morning http://chapagain.com.np"
tweet_embedding = get_document_embedding(custom_tweet, en_embeddings_subset)
array([-0.00268555, -0.15378189, -0.55761719, -0.07216644, -0.32263184])

Almacene todos los vectores de documentos en un diccionario

def get_document_vecs(all_docs, en_embeddings, get_document_embedding=get_document_embedding):
        - all_docs: list of strings - all tweets in our dataset.
        - en_embeddings: dictionary with words as the keys and their embeddings as the values.
        - document_vec_matrix: matrix of tweet embeddings.
        - ind2Doc_dict: dictionary with indices of tweets in vecs as keys and their embeddings as the values.
    # the dictionary's key is an index (integer) that identifies a specific tweet
    # the value is the document embedding for that document
    ind2Doc_dict = {}

    # this is list that will store the document vectors
    document_vec_l = []

    for i, doc in enumerate(all_docs):

        # get the document embedding of the tweet
        doc_embedding = get_document_embedding(doc, en_embeddings, process_tweet=process_tweet)

        # save the document embedding into the ind2Tweet dictionary at index i
        ind2Doc_dict[i] = doc_embedding

        # append the document embedding to the list of document vectors

    # convert the list of document vectors into a 2D array (each row is a document vector)
    document_vec_matrix = np.vstack(document_vec_l)

    return document_vec_matrix, ind2Doc_dict
document_vecs, ind2Tweet = get_document_vecs(all_tweets, en_embeddings_subset)
print(f"length of dictionary {len(ind2Tweet)}")
print(f"shape of document_vecs {document_vecs.shape}")
length of dictionary 10000
shape of document_vecs (10000, 300)

Buscando los tweets

my_tweet = 'i am sad'
tweet_embedding = get_document_embedding(my_tweet, en_embeddings_subset)
# this implementation is vectorized...
idx = np.argmax(cosine_similarity(document_vecs, tweet_embedding))
@zoeeylim sad sad sad kid :( it's ok I help you watch the match HAHAHAHAHA

Encontrar los tweets más similares con LSH

En lugar de mirar los 10.000 vectores, se puede buscar un subconjunto para encontrar sus vecinos más cercanos.

N_VECS = len(all_tweets)       # This many vectors.
N_DIMS = len(ind2Tweet[1])     # Vector dimensionality.
print(f"Number of vectors is {N_VECS} and each has {N_DIMS} dimensions.")
# The number of planes. We use log2(256) to have ~16 vectors/bucket.
# Number of times to repeat the hashing to improve the search.
Number of vectors is 10000 and each has 300 dimensions.

Elegir el número de planos

  • Cada plano divide el espacio en 2 partes.
  • Entonces n planos dividen el espacio en 2n cubos de hash.
  • Queremos organizar 10,000 vectores de documentos en cubos para que cada cubo tenga alrededor de 16 vectores.
  • Para eso necesitamos 10000/16=625 cubos.
  • Nos interesa n , número de planos, por lo que 2n=625 . Ahora, podemos calcular n=log2 625=9.29≈10 .

Obtener el número hash de un vector

Para cada vector, necesitamos obtener un número único asociado a ese vector para asignarlo a un "cubo de hash".

planes_l = [np.random.normal(size=(N_DIMS, N_PLANES))
            for _ in range(N_UNIVERSES)]
def hash_value_of_vector(v, planes):
    """Create a hash for a vector; hash_id says which random hash to use.
        - v:  vector of tweet. It's dimension is (1, N_DIMS)
        - planes: matrix of dimension (N_DIMS, N_PLANES) - the set of planes that divide up the region
        - res: a number which is used as a hash for your vector

    # for the set of planes, calculate the dot product between the vector and the matrix containing the planes
    # remember that planes has shape (300, 10) The dot product will have the shape (1,10)    
    dot_product = np.dot(v,planes)
    # get the sign of the dot product (1,10) shaped vector
    sign_of_dot_product = np.sign(dot_product )
    # set h to be false (eqivalent to 0 when used in operations) if the sign is negative,
    # and true (equivalent to 1) if the sign is positive (1,10) shaped vector
    # if the sign is 0, i.e. the vector is in the plane, consider the sign to be positive  
    h= sign_of_dot_product >= 1     
    # remove extra un-used dimensions (convert this from a 2D to a 1D array)
    h = np.squeeze(h)       
    # initialize the hash value to 0
    hash_value = 0

    n_planes = len(planes[0])
    for i in range(n_planes):
        # increment the hash value by 2^i * h_i        
        hash_value += (2**i)* h[i]

    # cast hash_value as an integer
    hash_value = int(hash_value)

    return hash_value
idx = 0
planes = planes_l[idx]  # get one 'universe' of planes to test the function
vec = np.random.rand(1, 300)
print(f" The hash value for this vector,",
      f"and the set of planes at index {idx},",
      f"is {hash_value_of_vector(vec, planes)}")
 The hash value for this vector, and the set of planes at index 0, is 768

Crear una tabla hash

def make_hash_table(vecs, planes, hash_value_of_vector=hash_value_of_vector):
        - vecs: list of vectors to be hashed.
        - planes: the matrix of planes in a single "universe", with shape (embedding dimensions, number of planes).
        - hash_table: dictionary - keys are hashes, values are lists of vectors (hash buckets)
        - id_table: dictionary - keys are hashes, values are list of vectors id's
                            (it's used to know which tweet corresponds to the hashed vector)
    # number of planes is the number of columns in the planes matrix
    num_of_planes = len(planes[0])

    # number of buckets is 2^(number of planes)    
    num_buckets = 2**num_of_planes

    # create the hash table as a dictionary.
    # Keys are integers (0,1,2.. number of buckets)
    # Values are empty lists
    hash_table = {i : [] for i in range(num_buckets)}
    # create the id table as a dictionary.
    # Keys are integers (0,1,2... number of buckets)
    # Values are empty lists
    id_table = {i : [] for i in range(num_buckets)}  
    # for each vector in 'vecs'
    for i, v in enumerate(vecs):           
        # calculate the hash value for the vector
        h = hash_value_of_vector(v, planes)
        # store the vector into hash_table at key h,
        # by appending the vector v to the list at key h
        # store the vector's index 'i' (each document is given a unique integer 0,1,2...)
        # the key is the h, and the 'i' is appended to the list at key h

    return hash_table, id_table
planes = planes_l[0]  # get one 'universe' of planes to test the function
tmp_hash_table, tmp_id_table = make_hash_table(document_vecs, planes)

print(f"The hash table at key 0 has {len(tmp_hash_table[0])} document vectors")
print(f"The id table at key 0 has {len(tmp_id_table[0])}")
print(f"The first 5 document indices stored at key 0 of are {tmp_id_table[0][0:5]}")
The hash table at key 0 has 1351 document vectors
The id table at key 0 has 1351
The first 5 document indices stored at key 0 of are [3, 8, 16, 18, 29]

Crear todas las tablas hash

haga un hash de sus vectores y guárdelos en una tabla hash que le permita buscar rápidamente y buscar vectores similares.

def create_hash_id_tables(n_universes):
    hash_tables = []
    id_tables = []
    for universe_id in range(n_universes):  # there are 25 hashes
        print('working on hash universe #:', universe_id)
        planes = planes_l[universe_id]
        hash_table, id_table = make_hash_table(document_vecs, planes)
    return hash_tables, id_tables

hash_tables, id_tables = create_hash_id_tables(N_UNIVERSES)
working on hash universe #: 0
working on hash universe #: 1
working on hash universe #: 2
working on hash universe #: 3
working on hash universe #: 4
working on hash universe #: 5
working on hash universe #: 6
working on hash universe #: 7
working on hash universe #: 8
working on hash universe #: 9
working on hash universe #: 10
working on hash universe #: 11
working on hash universe #: 12
working on hash universe #: 13
working on hash universe #: 14
working on hash universe #: 15
working on hash universe #: 16
working on hash universe #: 17
working on hash universe #: 18
working on hash universe #: 19
working on hash universe #: 20
working on hash universe #: 21
working on hash universe #: 22
working on hash universe #: 23
working on hash universe #: 24

K-NN aproximado

usando hashing sensible a la localidad, para buscar documentos que sean similares a un documento dado en el índice doc_id

def approximate_knn(doc_id, v, planes_l, hash_tables, id_tables, k=1, num_universes_to_use=25, hash_value_of_vector=hash_value_of_vector):
    """Search for k-NN using hashes."""
    #assert num_universes_to_use <= N_UNIVERSES      
    vecs_to_consider_l = list()   # Vectors that will be checked as possible nearest neighbor 
    ids_to_consider_l = list()  # list of document IDs   
    ids_to_consider_set = set()  # create a set for ids to consider, for faster checking if a document ID already exists in the set

    # loop through the universes of planes
    for universe_id in range(num_universes_to_use):
        planes = planes_l[universe_id] # get the set of planes from the planes_l list, for this particular universe_id       
        hash_value = hash_value_of_vector(v, planes)  # get the hash value of the vector for this set of planes        
        hash_table = hash_tables[universe_id]  # get the hash table for this particular universe_id       
        document_vectors_l = hash_table[hash_value]   # get the list of document vectors for this hash table, where the key is the hash_value        
        id_table = id_tables[universe_id]  # get the id_table for this particular universe_id        
        new_ids_to_consider = id_table[hash_value] # get the subset of documents to consider as nearest neighbors from this id_table dictionary

        if doc_id in new_ids_to_consider:
            new_ids_to_consider.remove(doc_id)   #-----
                f"removed doc_id {doc_id} of input vector from new_ids_to_search")

        # loop through the subset of document vectors to consider
        for i, new_id in enumerate(new_ids_to_consider):

            # if the document ID is not yet in the set ids_to_consider...
            if new_id not in ids_to_consider_set:
                # access document_vectors_l list at index i to get the embedding
                # then append it to the list of vectors to consider as possible nearest neighbors
                document_vector_at_i = get_document_embedding(all_tweets[i], en_embeddings_subset, process_tweet=process_tweet)        #-----
                vecs_to_consider_l.append(document_vector_at_i)                  #-----

                # append the new_id (the index for the document) to the list of ids to consider

                # also add the new_id to the set of ids to consider
                # (use this to check if new_id is not already in the IDs to consider)

    # Now run k-NN on the smaller set of vecs-to-consider.
    print("Fast considering %d vecs" % len(vecs_to_consider_l))

    # convert the vecs to consider set to a list, then to a numpy array
    vecs_to_consider_arr = np.array(vecs_to_consider_l)

    # call nearest neighbors on the reduced list of candidate vectors
    nearest_neighbor_idx_l = nearest_neighbor(v, vecs_to_consider_arr, k=k)

    # Use the nearest neighbor index list as indices into the ids to consider
    # create a list of nearest neighbors by the document ids
    nearest_neighbor_ids = [ids_to_consider_l[idx]
                            for idx in nearest_neighbor_idx_l]

    return nearest_neighbor_ids
doc_id = 5
doc_to_search = all_tweets[doc_id]
vec_to_search = document_vecs[doc_id]
nearest_neighbor_ids = approximate_knn(
    doc_id, vec_to_search, planes_l, hash_tables, id_tables, k=3, num_universes_to_use=5)
removed doc_id 5 of input vector from new_ids_to_search
removed doc_id 5 of input vector from new_ids_to_search
removed doc_id 5 of input vector from new_ids_to_search
removed doc_id 5 of input vector from new_ids_to_search
removed doc_id 5 of input vector from new_ids_to_search
Fast considering 150 vecs
C:\Users\juan_\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_16868/2362656131.py:15: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  cos_similarity = np.dot(v,row)/(np.linalg.norm(v)*np.linalg.norm(row))
print(f"Nearest neighbors for document {doc_id}")
print(f"Document contents: {doc_to_search}")

for neighbor_id in nearest_neighbor_ids:
    print(f"Nearest neighbor at document id {neighbor_id}")
    print(f"document contents: {all_tweets[neighbor_id]}")
Nearest neighbors for document 5
Document contents: @BhaktisBanter @PallaviRuhail This one is irresistible :)
#FlipkartFashionFriday http://t.co/EbZ0L2VENM

Nearest neighbor at document id 4193
document contents: This girl :)  https://t.co/OAXMGGICNr
Nearest neighbor at document id 4045
document contents: @LemonyLimeUK thanks for the follow have a great day :)
Nearest neighbor at document id 8914
document contents: @zaynmalik zayn come back to 1D already. :(